Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Seattle Aikikai Beginner Series Curriculum

Seattle Aikikai Beginner Series Curriculum

Class 1:

·      Introduce students to concepts of aikido
·      Have students have an easy fun first class
·      Teach students basic back falls
·      Teach students to get off the line and to find “shi ka ku” (dead spot)
·      Create scaffolding experiences for success
Students arrive at dojo
Have them fill out registration form, get gi and pay for class. Have deshi show them the dressing rooms, belt tying and go over basic bowing to get on and off the mat.
·      Explain Etiquette and Bowing as a way of paying attention and expressing gratitude.
Bow in/Welcome
Start class with verbal welcome acknowledging beginners before warm-ups. Key themes:
·      We all started aikido as beginners
·      The culture of aikido is about helping beginners/no competition
·      Body literacy. You are learning a new language. Be easy on yourself and just follow along. No one expects you to be fluent in French your first class

Make sure beginners are in front so they can see
Give verbal description of correct form and purpose of stretches & breathing (avoid difficult warm-ups/don’t stay sitting in seiza too long)
Go over wrist exercises with a senior student/deshi next to each beginner

Basic back roll with slap
·      Tuck chin so head doesn’t hit mat
·      Roll up one side of the spine and back the other
·      Use entire forearm (not wrist) to slap mat
Explain basic hamni and foot position for a stable posture. Have students walk forwards and backwards leading with the ball of foot to glide across mat
·      Kaiten (pivot)
·      Tenkan (pivot and step)
Have students walk around mat and randomly call out footwork for them to demonstrate

Learning tsuki (how to punch)
·      Walking across the mat w/partner
·      Getting off the line of tsuki (tenkan)
·      Getting off the line of tsuki randori (3 ukes)
·      Kokyunage, taking uke’s balance into back fall
Demo actual Tsuki Randori w/ techniques (Pat)
Closing Circle
Congratulate beginners on first class
Reiterate names of things we covered in class
Go around circle and say names
Tour of Dojo/Intro Talk

Walk around dojo and explain things
Weapons (relationship to aikido)
Shomen (calligraphy, picture,  rotating flower arrangement)
History & purpose of aikido
·      Developed by O’Sensei in the 1940’s
·      “The Way of Harmony”
·      Spiritual foundation in resolving conflict
Rank Board (progression from Kyu to Dan)
·      Non-competitive. A path to work on one’s self
Han (zen group/practice)
Cleaning Supplies
·      Why we clean the dojo after every class
·      Paying attention
First Aid
·      When and how to get off the mat/safety
Kitchen/ water cups (make cup for each beginner)

Reading homework

Beginner Guidelines

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